





eat breakfast吃早饭

have···class 上······课

play sports 进行体育运动

exercise 活动;运动

do morning exercises做早操

eat dinner吃晚饭

clean my room 打扫我的房间

go for a walk 散步

go shopping 去买东西;购物



take a dancing class 上舞蹈课

2. 三会词汇:

when什么时候 after 在(时间)后 start 开始 usually 通常地;惯常地 Spain 西班牙 late 晚;迟

a.m. 午前;上午

p.m. 午后;下午

why 为什么 shop 去买东西;购物 work 工作

last 上一个的;刚过去的sound 听起来好像

also 还;也 busy 忙的 need 需要 play 戏剧;剧本

letter 信 live居住 island 岛

always 总是;一直 cave 山洞;洞穴

go swimming 去游泳 win 获胜


get up起床

eat lunch吃午饭

go to bed 上床睡觉

wash my face洗脸

wash my clothes 洗我的衣服

watch TV看电视

play ping-pong打乒乓球

play the pipa弹琵琶

go swimming去游泳

go running去跑步

do homework 做作业

do kung fu练武术

play football踢足球

play basketball打篮球


always总是,一直(100%) usually通常(80%) often 经常(60%) sometimes(30%)有时

四、疑问词。 when什么时候 why 为什么




问:When do you+动词短语原形+其他?(你/你们什么时候做某事?)答:I/We(+频度副词)+动词短语原形+at+具体时间(我/我们通常在几点做某事。)

例:问:When do you go to bed?(你什么时候上床睡觉?)

答:I go to bed at 9:00p.m (我晚上9点上床睡觉。)


句型结构是:When does+主语(第三人称单数)+动词短语原形+其他?



问:What do you do on theweekend?(你周末做什么?)


例:问:What do you do on theweekend?(你周末做什么?)

答:I usually read books. (我通常看书。)


句型结构是:What does+主语(第三人称单数)+do+on the weekend?


When do you finish class in the morning ? 你们上午的课到几点结束?

We finish class at 1 o’clock . 我们一点钟结束上午的课。

What do you do on the weekend ? 你周末做什么?

I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father . 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。


cl /kl/ clean clock class clever

pl /pl / plate eggplant please play



( )1. A school B. lunch C. breakfast

( )2. A morning B. evening C. dinner

( )3. A. grandparents B. teacher C. English

( )4. A. visit B. play C. weekend

( )5. A. Monday B. sometimes C. usually

( )6. A. piano B. evening C. noon

( )7. A. Tuesday B. Friday C. football

( )8. A. watch B. often C. eat

( )9. A. snow B. rain C. rainny

( )10. A. shopping B. work C. hiking


( )1. –I often go shopping on the weekend. What ___ you?

I often go hiking on the weekend.

A. at B. are C. about

( )2. Thank you ___ telling me about you day.

A. to B. atC. for

( )3. Let’s go ___ together.

A. sports B. homework C. swimming

( )4. I ___ my bedroom every week.

A. clean B. go C. cleans

( )5. Tomorrow is a ___ day.

A. rain B. rainbow C. rainy

( )6. It’s a fine day. Let’s go ___ in the sun.

A. hiking B. home C. shopping

( )7. It’s going to rain tomorrow. I___ go hiking.

A. can B. can’t C. do

( )8. I can’t climb mountains in th rain. I ___ climb mountains, either.

A. can’t B. can C. aren’t

( )9. Look, this is my weedend ___.

A. timetable B. day C. time

( )10. ___ do you do on Saturdays? –I usually do my homework at home.

A. When B. What C. Sometimes



(football, breakfast, get, worker, morning, lunch, afternoon, student, enjoy, eat, piano, have, 7:00)

I’m a 1 . I 2 up at 6:00 in the 3 . I have 4 at 6:30. Then I take a bus and go to work at __5 . I work in a big factory. I 6 lunch in the factory. I often 7 tomatoes and soup. I go home at 5:00 in the 8 . I often play the 9 in the evening. I 10 my life.

1. _____??________ 2. _____??________ 3. _____??________ 4. _____??________

5. _____??________6. _____??________ 7. _____??________ 8. _____??________

9. _____??________ 10. _____??________


Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6:00 in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00.We do morning exercises at 8:00. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at 5:00 p.m.. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. What about yours?

( )1. Where does Zoom eat breakfast?

A. At home B. At school C. At 6:30

( )2. How many classes does Zoom have in a day?

A. Five. B. Three. C. Six

( )3. When does Zoom play sports in the afternoon?

A. At four B. At five C. At five thirty

( )4. When does Zoom eat dinner?

A. At seven thirty B. At home C. At eight

( )5. When does Zoom go to bed?

A. at nine in the morning. B. at nine in the evening. C. at nine a.m.




运用多媒体创设情境, 激发学生兴趣

当学生对学习产生兴趣和渴望,他才愿意学。Warm-up是英语课堂常用的环节,在英语教学前针对故事中的重点和难点进行必要的渗透,对教学的深入开展可以起到铺垫的作用。在这一环节有效地运用多媒体,可以调动学生的学习积极性,激发学习兴趣。例如在《How are you》一文中,有How are you ? Fine,thank you ! I’m not bad ! ’m not so good!等新句子。在教授这些新句子之前,我利用多媒体课件有意识的渗透了这些内容。让学生观看我自己录制的DV,我通过向客人打招呼后,要问候别人,英语中问候别人人要用How are you ?并要求学生试着用这个句子和认识的人打招呼,学生很自然地了解并运用了这个句子。这样在学习新内容之前,我先创设情境,在贴近学生生活的活动交际中,让学生体验了本课内容,为进一步学习做了铺垫,效果非常好。


结合教材创设情景,寻找学生兴趣点 现实生活中的语言环境是学好语言的关键所在。因此,英语教学必须从学生的生活出发。小学生所学的英语材料一般比较简短,形式单一。这要求我们在备课时尽可能把这些材料放入各种真实的情景中,使得学生一节英语课上学到的不止是单词和少量的对话,而是习得更多的语言知识,获得英语交际的能力。 例如教二年级有关 "Animals"这一单元时,可以把教室布置成动物园,到处是有趣的动物玩具。而且每个学生也戴上了自己喜爱的动物头饰。一上课,同学们便感到不是在上课,而是到了一个热闹的动物园。整个教学过程中学生把被动学习变为主动学习,而且充满了乐趣,真是"课始时分兴已浓,课行时分兴正浓,课终时分兴犹浓"。