


考研复试面试英文自我介绍范文 篇1



首先,我先自我介绍一下,我叫,今年23岁,来自于地方,20xx年七月本科毕业于xx大学,主修教育学(小学教育)专业,在大学四年里,我学到了很多很多,我参加了很多社会实践,比如我在大一的时候我就去一所小学实习,每个星期都去听他们老师讲课,这个实践我一直坚持到了大三,后来因为考研没有继续下去,通过这次实践,我学会了怎样耐心的对待学生,怎样去把一堂课上的完美,课堂的突发情况怎么处理等经验,另外我深知学习不易,我学习十分努力,每年都有奖学金,还拿过两次国家级奖学金,我还积极研究关于小学教育类的课题,在大学四年期间我发表了三篇论文,其中有一篇在中文核心期刊发表过,除了和专业有关的活动外,20xx年我还参加了校团委组织的大型歌舞会,我很享受我的主持,我还参加过校园十佳歌手的比赛,虽然没能取得前三名,但我进了10强,我很 感谢我大学遇到的老师和朋友们,他们带给我很多知识和经验,让我的大学生活很丰富,很精彩。



考研复试面试英文自我介绍范文 篇2

My name is graduatedfrom Campus Major,elective .

During the campus period,the major courses are (it is especially important to add the relevant professional courses or elective courses for the job applicants. Then,it introduces the skills and potential that we have acquired through systematic learning. According to the knowledge we have learned,we have also participated in the implementation of some specific projects,such as the unique excellent course in which we are responsible for the main module of or the work of team leader,the application of skills and knowledge,etc.,and what X achievements have been achieved. In practice,we have deepened our understanding of and raised the practical operational potential of this kind of work.

In addition,in the campus also participated in some community activities,such as (here it is better to say that 1-2 like the anniversary of the College or the College Games),in which strengthened exchanges with students,a comprehensive understanding of the efficiency of teamwork,teamwork and sense of responsibility have a new feeling and knowledge.

Personality,first of all,is more honest,optimistic and enthusiastic. Secondly,with team spirit,down-to-earth efforts,a strong sense of responsibility.

To apply for the position of _ in your company there is to apply what you have learned and grow there. I look forward to the opportunity to exert my energy in this position.

考研复试面试英文自我介绍范文 篇3

Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here for this First, let me introduce myself to My name is . I was born on April 23, I am a local am graduating from Jilin Normal University this I major in Chinese I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Jilin University which I have desired for a long I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!